Today is a brief one. I slept until 5:30pm, with a brief break of wakefulness in the middle for a couple hours. Get up, Shower, eat, then walk to the grocery store to get some ingredients. Little bonus they have here in Aus: Most* of the main grocery chains appear to have an associated liquor store. This means that pretty near every receipt has some sort of promotion on it for their liquor. I use two receipts to get two 6-packs of heineken for $10 each. Not the best deal, but I’ll probably drink one pack tonight, and tomorrow is French Alexandre’s birthday.

The DJ is a guy named Kolsch, and he’s pretty good. I’ve never been to a show like this, and I haven’t been to Geisha either, but it’s super tiny. Thor said it was 1/4 of the size of Mustang and he wasn’t joking. I think the style was Electro, which is a lot more laid back than the electronic music that I’m familiar with (house, trance, dubstep, etc.) so the mood was different than I expected.

*: and by most, I mean Coles and Woolworths. Not IGA, I don't think.
Bonus: creepy wall art in Geisha bar:
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