If today was a game show, it would be called "Will he or won't he?" with “puke” as the opening category. I decided to choose the "he will" option. The power of fingers compels you!
You'd think that said spices would make vomiting taste worse.
You'd be wrong on both counts.
Back to bed.
I’m supposed to meet Shimou over in her part of town for her last friday at this job. It’s a nice area of town, she says, but it’s 1-2 hours transit away, so I’ve never bothered. Yeah, I’m a great boyfriend.
Anyway, today I actually make the venture, having not eaten, nor showered, and still feeling blah. On the subway, one woman walks from woman to woman, showing them pictures of something and getting brushed off. Ouch. Been there.
Waiting around the mall for Shimou to get off work, we end up having a very frustrating game of Cat and Mouse. I was supposed to take exit E, but there was only A-D. Well, D is the closest to E…
Passing Time People Watching*

I know of a friend of a friend, a singer, who got deported. She was supposed to headline the concert that Dan had been organizing, but was picked up by the cops. She didn’t have her paperwork on her, so they brought her to the station. They discovered that her paperwork was not 100% in order, was left, chained to a chair for 2 days, and then deported. She’s now banned from the country for 5 years. She had been here for 8ish years; her whole life had been here. Shit that sounds terrible.
Another friend had found ¥500 in ¥100-dollar bills, and thought it would be considerate to give them to the bank, reporting the forgeries. He ended up being brought to a side room, the police were called, and he was pelted with the word “Cooperate!” He was trying to, eventually being released without repercussions.
Can you see why I’m really putting the pressure on to learn the language as quickly as possible?
*Notice how "watching people" sounds creepier than "people watching"
**Yeah, this is my people watching. Analysis and predictions.
Words of the Day
English - Mandarin [pronunciation]
[jee-ung chah]
fàng zhú
[fah-ng jew]
Editing Music
It All Starts Here
Magic Man
[jee-ung chah]
fàng zhú
[fah-ng jew]
Editing Music
It All Starts Here
Magic Man
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